* Other "monotheists'" show cowardice attempts to avoid the evil of islam by trying to please it,
hence leaving Atheists ( as targets for muslim hate campaigns. And for you ignorant dudes! Original Shinto is Atheism, i.e. not a "monotheism"!
UK Foreign Secretary, Philip Hammond on BBC: "Sharia calls for the death penalty."
Klevius: Indeed! So why do you support it?! Moreover, sharia islam also considers our most basic Human Rights (the so called "negative rights") a crime against islam.
UK's trade with the Saudi islamofascists is less than 2% and doesn't include the negative effects of this evil cooperation. So why do you sell out "British values" for this shit?!
Iyad Madani, the Saudi Fuhrer of Saudi based OIC, the worst Human Rights violator on Earth (because of its Human Rights violating sharia declaration).
If you have the slightest doubt about Klevius being the world's foremost expert on islam, consider that the reason for this is that he is the world's foremost expert on sex segregation (sad isn't it) the rapetivist pillar islam is built on.
See what Klevius wrote ten years ago (original text) and compare to what you knew about islam back then:
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
ORIGIN OF ISLAM: Is 1400 yrs of Islamic genocides, slavery & rapetivism the worst crime ever against humanity?

Slavery+"infidel" racism+sex segregated rapetivism+anti human rights Sharia/apostasy ban.
On behalf of today's and historical victims of Islam (in Darfur and globally), and on behalf of all humans who feel offended by the tenets/acts of Islam. Why isn't the worst crime ever against humanity criminalized, but instead protected by the very human rights it opposes?!
* i.e. 1400 years of slavery/rapetivism/genocides
Without these evil racist/sexist/fascist extremist pillars and violent terror threats from so called "unislamic"* and confused morons Islam is dead!
Slavery (forbidden all over the world except in Koran/Islam) - It's well known that Islam allows slavery, although perhaps less well known that Islam emerged out of the very idea of sponging on institutionalized slavery. This is why Saudi islamofascist dictators, imams etc. terrorists and terrorist supporters still don't understand that the Koran is completely wrong, not only because it allows slavery but especially in claiming to be some "god's" unchangeable word hence excluding even the possibility of reformation!.
"Infidel" racism (forbidden according to the UN declaration on every humans equal value, but a basic tenet of Koran/Islam) - The moral cornerstone needed for taking slaves and abusing others. Today this alluring but evil racism is utilized in a variety of topics from the people of Darfur to the West in particular or general.
Rapetivism (globally forbidden because it's not in accordance with the principle that a person's sex shouldn't be used as a regulator of that person's freedom, but a basic tenet in Koran/Islam) - Rigid sex segregation for the purpose of abusing Islam confined girls/women as physical and cultural reproducers of as many new Muslims as possible.
Sharia (forbidden in a democracy simply because it violates democracy and, like the other Islamic pillars, a bunch of human rights that democracy rests on) - Islam's jurisprudence for sex segregated rapetivism, apostasy ban etc.
Apostasy ban (forbidden because it limits a person's freedom of or from religion, but a basic tenet in Koran/Islam) - Children (commonly from birth) and adults (commonly via marriage/rape) are forced to become and stay Muslims.
These tenets cannot be erased by mere "interpretations" but needs deep reformist castration! And in this sense "majority Muslims" are tightly connected to Islamic extremism, i.e. to Islam itself. And if that's just because of plain ignorance abt Islam they better educate themselves, e.g. in a Koran school true to the Koran and Islam! When coming out they then have two choices: Becoming an "extremist" (open or stealthy) or abandoning the message alltogether!That Islam (Koran) allows and even encourages psychological and physical wife beating is just one of an abundance of "minor" ripples of the main pillars above.
The naivity of Muslim feminism may be exemplified by Asghar Ali: "...shari'ah also clearly lays down that if a man hides his impotency from his bride at the time of marriage and she discovers it after marriage, she is fully entitled to divorce on that ground. This itself clearly shows that she is entitled to sexual pleasure along with raising family." Rising what family?! The only reason for this rule is to safeguard that no woman fails to reproduce as many Muslims as possible!
The victims of Islam often reveal the same lojalty conflict as allegedly do victims of child abuse.
However, some don't.Ehsan Jami (a young Dutch politician): "People think I am a radical. They think I hate Muslims, but ... it is the ideology which is the problem and not the people themselves."So why isn't the human rightsphobia we call Islam globally criminalized and indicted, and how come that many a "democracy" seem to care more abt islamofascist terrorists than supporting the war on islamofascist terror?! And why are we supposed to ask islamist imams, professors etc for advice?! It's like asking Goring how to deal with Hitler and his terrorist youth! The likely answer: "Don't question, criticize or mess with us but support us!"
Energy and resource saving high tech Shinto (the world's oldest religion - see Definition of religion) meets the world's number one per capita resource waster/polluter Árab peninsula Islam(ofascism)!
Why have we seen high tech made in Israel almost from scratch but not from its neighboring Islamic countries? And why is Islam stuck in technological backwardness whereas Shinto leads the world?!
Shinto (the world's oldest religion) meets pan-Arabic oil Islam (the world's youngest "religion")
The world's most technically advanced robot, Honda's Asimo, among Islamists (also see Why Japanese Honda technology is so much more sophisticated than e.g. European BMW - "the white Black Muslim's Wagon")
While Judaism and Christianity developed to become selfsufficient Islam got stuck in backwardness precisely because of its origin as a blueprint for sponging on slavery/rapetivism. Its inherited developmental impotency (Koran) now dooms it to rely on oil and what it can abuse from other countries. That's why regions touched by Islam and Islamic slave trade have remained underdeveloped! We are just in the beginning of a historical revelation that eventually will become a grim and painful reading (see e.g. Origin of Vikings)! It's a deep irony then that by far the worst slave trader in history, Islam, now spreads itself via its victims and the very same Koranic "infidel" racism/sexism it used to justify its atrocities with!
Klevius acknowledgement: Although this blog was aimed for (interdisciplinary) news the posting below will prevail until its message has been distributed (and understood) in an enough sufficient way. Unfortunately this kind of human rights/anti-faascist information isn't distributed through main conventional news channels before it's far too late to count as news..
To understand Darfur etc you have to open up for the historical facts from Islam's past!
also read abt The disgusting Swedish Islam connection from the past: The Viking's grim raiding/trading of helpless white slave girls to Islam's "slave civilization" in Baghdad and Al-Andalucia Quite contrary to the popular belief offered from Swedish universities etc the real Vikings emerged and prospered by selling highly valued young white slave girls to the Abbasid etc caliphates. This prosperity then led to the later conventional period of Vikings involved in military army business of usual type in medieval Europe.
The below may be best understood in the context of sex segregation (also see Human rights, sex segregation, feminiam & religion news)
also educate yourself abt The History of Islamic Jihad
Islam originates from slave trade, robbery and rapetivism (institutionalized confinement of captured/kidnapped/trafficked females for the purpose of sexual pleasure, physical reproduction, and cultural production of new Muslims). A key concept has been mut'ah, i.e. temporary "rape-marriages" of those females who were captured during war, slave raids and/or slave trades. Although some Sunnis now seem to have realized this practice as somewhat uncomfortable while sitting in human rights committees etc., one has to realize that this is what true Islam is about, and, as a consequence, that every effort to "re-interpret" the Koran/Islam "slave manual" is inevitably stuck in the very rigidity of this logic of transforming slaves into Muslims (Muslim is here to be understood as everyone who submits under the dictator(s). This is also the reason why Koran has to be "the final divine word" and hence unchangable.
An example from what could be an Imam's "advisory website". One really doesn't have to make any poetic interpretation of the word "slave" here seen against Islam's historical context!:
He (i.e. the dictator/messenger - god's already excluded as unreachable, hence unimportant) from whom the slave seeks help, responds to his slave. He is the merciful and forgiving to whom the slave has to show repentance when he has committed a sin or fallen short in his worship of Islam. The slave ought to feel ashamed to commit a sin by doing wrong to himself or to others, because his dictator watches all that he does. The slave trusts that what his dictator decrees for him is good because he knows that the text is written so that the dictator never can be unfear, and, as a consequence, that everything is good, even if he does not understand the wisdom behind it. Also note that the text usually only says "he" and that the peculiar and unnecessary he/she "distinction" (that is, in fact, confusion) from a linguistic point of view is closely tied to Mideast and rare among other language groups!
Islam without slaves, oil, sponging on others & sex segregation - impossible!

Isn't it a disgusting pic? $20M to Harvard for "Islamic studies" - none to African victims of pan-Arabic Islam in Darfur!!!
Compare this to Japan's (Shinto) aid to Muslim tsunami victims in Indonesia, while Islamofascist Saudi Arabia & Al Jazeera Qatar gave $10M - together!
The birth of Islam without slavery is as impossible as is the modern spreading of Islam without oil money. And so is a 800 m high oil-dillo now planned in Arab land. But what do people really know about Islam? Except for the confusing veil of mist spread by Islamists themselves? The only thing we hear is the continuing repetition that "it's not Islam's fault". Well, it is!
Islam from desertization to global climate change
Islam was literally born out of that very environmental disaster that its nomadic predecessors had caused. And now the worst (slavery/rapetivism/suffering etc) "religion" has a direct and causal relation to the worst environmental issue of our time Islam's inherent incompetency for progress is today complemented by precisely what Islam couldn't perform, namely technology. The use of oil hence fuels our modern disaster in a way similar to the ancient cirdumstances where Islam launched its malign and contagious spreading.
Without slaves, oil, robbery, theft, sponging and copying, Islam has no built-in mechanism for progress! Read history with Islam as an analytical tool, and you will see a pattern that reveals an alternative picture of Europe's progress and Africa's stagnation, than those racist ones spread in the 19th and early 20th centuries.
It's not necessarily non-Muslims, but rather the Muslims who need to learn more about Islam! If they have to escape Islam, why then do they take it with them? Of course because everyone says: "It's not Islam that is bad"!
Other religions may make a big mistake in trying to sponge on Islam!
Karen Armstrong (the confused female who first became a nun) says that "the point is to separate out the extremists we have in all of our monotheistic religions from the mainstream”
Klevius comment: In fact, she hence offers euthanasia for Islam. And that's good although she could have expressed it more clearly so to shorten the transition from Islam to non-Islam (real Islam only containing lunatic fractions like bin Laden & Co etc) and hence also the unnecessary suffering caused by Koran-Islam. Or doesn't she understand the simple fact that that 1) Islam is a very special form of monotheism (i.e. its pathological symbiosis with Koran that encompasses everyone who may be titled a Muslim - not only a fraction!), 2) that monotheism (outside ancestor warship/tribal/kinship religions - see Vagina gate) only can exist as individual or totalitarian, nothing in between. Moderate/modern Islam is a tautology because it presumes a non-existing Islam with only a name. Islam is incompatible with uncertainty (see Klevius definition of religion) and it's incompatible with de-sex segregation! To understand this you must understand the roots of Islam:
Islam today - Islam's new conquest follows old concepts
Today in Europe's capital the most common name among newborn boys is Mohammed!
Rotterdam, Antwerpen and other big cities are already on the verge to get Muslim majorities.
15 % of France's (nuclear) military force is Muslim.
Some 20 % of newborn Europeans are Muslims (see abt rape factories on links below).
Police avoid Islamic neighborhoods, and non-Muslim (and surprisingly often Muslim) girls/women are assaulted and raped by gangs of sexist Islamists just because of being infidels or not Muslim enough, or for violating Muslim dress codes and failing to submit to Islamic/Koranic sex segregatio - see Klevius definition of.
What's true Islam?

Islam's classical sponging on infidels
Through the "welfare state" taxes are transferred to Islam via new Muslim immigrants and their born and unborn children. In Denmark allegedly some five percent of Muslims consume 40 percent of welfare payments and other social benefits.
Theft and robbery directed against "infidels" are since scratch encouraged by Islam and its Koran and due Sharia law. It's called the jizya tax that non-Muslims used to be forced to pay in Muslim countries!
Islam's Sharia - a tool for confining those who submit and to abuse those who don't
no separation of church and state, because according to Sharia, Koran (read by Mullas) is the only acceptable constitution. The main purpose of Koran/Sharia when it comes to girls and women is to separate them from males in order to biologically and culturally foster new Muslims.
Religious freedom for all to convert to Islam - but not to abandon it!

WahabiWatch: "Moderate" Islamism And Terror, Zero Degrees Of Separation
PipelineNews: Out of Africa - Illegal Immigrants, Crime, Terrorism, Polygamy And Aids
Origin of Islam
When Murray Gordon published his popular book Slavery in the Arab World (1987), he missed the world's largest Islamic country, Indonesia. But he isn't certainly the only one (info & interest have been limited, so far), and at least he tried to address the sensitive issue of Mohammed/Koran/Islam´s relation to slavery. Freedom of religion means that you may have your personal god but nothing else. You may even do this in a group as long as this group isn't defined in totalitarian terms. On a more philosophical level it's noteworthy that a god outside the world is equally meaningless as a god all over the world.
Helen E. Hagan, anthropologist: "It is known that the caste system existing in that area is not so much directly related to the caravan trade as it is to the importation on an ideology – Islam. I would like to recapitulate briefly some of the important facts of this historical development. - The first policy of Arabs, as clearly established by historical documentation, was to tax the inhabitants of these regions with such heavy war taxes that the sale of Berber women and children was included in their treaties"
Aceh was the first Arabic/Islamic slave sultanate in SE Asia, and already some 100 years after Mohammed's death Arab slave traders had positioned a stronghold for themselves there.
Klevius hypothesis abt pan-Arabic Islam
Islam's formula: Slave trading/raiding and transformation of POWs into soldiers and reproducers of new Muslims, and the transformation of other non-Muslims into tax-paying Dhimmis.
It's already proved beyond doubt that pan-Arabic Islam is the world's main slave trader throughout history. And it's also proved that Mecca was the center of slave trade. Islamic pilgrimage was simply and mainly about selling and buying slaves. But little has been said abt Islam and Arabic slave trade in SE Asia.
Is Africa still suffering from Islam's enormous slave drainage to Cordoba/Spain, Arabia, Islamic slave colonies in Asia etc some 1000 years ago?
The simple fact is that slave trade and Islamic "civilization" peaked in Cordoba at approximately the same time. Cordoba use to be every fanatic (or ignorant) Islam supporter's last hope against well founded criticism that points to Islam's obvious and miserable lack of technological etc. performance throughout history (compare Shinto meets Islam). If this hypothesis is even remotely right the answer lay's in Islam's main role and purpose as a slave trader and rapists. And although slavery existed before, Islam made it an industry hence affecting the cultures, ethicities and people it contaminated!
Throughout Mideast, Africa and large parts of Asia and Europe the old custom of slavery was transformed by Islam, from being mainly a sex and labor resource, to a multidimensional institution aiming for the total submission of conquered people. As you may already know, Koran sets a double standard on slaves, they may be both things and individuals. This has to do with the birth of Islam as a "religion" for prospering on the behalf of abducted people. By forcing them to submit under Islam they became easier to handle while still keeping them in a slave position. Typically males were either castrated or used as soldiers etc and girls were turned into Muslim-producing factories in well guarded harems.
If this is really the simple (but pragmatically convincing) logic behind the development of Islam, then Indonesia and other places shouldn't be different. Arab slave traders used the old trade routes and started "slavery metastases" far from home. These metastases followed the wellknown pattern we have seen in Africa etc, namely that Arabs first dealt with and converted to Islam (when not simply conquering) those who already were in the business. Converted here means that they offered a manual for prospering on slaves, i.e. Koran and Islam, hence still under Arab influence. This is the background of pan-Arabic Islamism and this would explain Islam's tremendous growth and power along the old trade routes far from Mecca (originally an important waterhole for bypassers) , towards which they then had to bow. Arabs were neither good soldiers nor good producers of goods or farmers! But they invented what is perhaps the worst crime ever aginst humanity. 1400 years of cruel slavery and rapetivism. And one of the grim consequences is that this slavery many times got confused with ethnicity hence encouraging even more of the same. The key to survival under Arab influence was submission, indeed! This is also why Islam's most basic pillar is sex segregation - the biological and cultural reproduction of Islam!
"Moderate" Islam is nothing but an effort in vain to distance oneself from pan-Arabic fundamentalism. Yes, it might hurt, but I myself abandoned Christianity at age 14 when pushed to a church (no, I'm not a Marxist or socialist). Though, I had to wait until I turned 18 before I could officially get rid of Christianity that had been forced upon me! Also compare Islam in Afganistan today - a man facing death penalty for abandoning Islam! And the pan-Arabic Islam slavery is still on.
Klevius definition of sex segregation
Klevius definition of religion
Klevius definition of negative human rights
Sex segregation from Freud to bin Laden
But although MuslimWakeUp announces that:
"One of the most tragic facts is that Mecca, the geographic heart of the Muslim community, was one of the largest slave markets in the Muslim world all the way up until the Twentieth Century when the standards of the international community, championed by the West, came to inform Muslims that chattel slavery is a violation against dignity, humanity and their own standing in global affairs."
the terrible truth is that it's not the culture but Islam itself that is the real culprit!
Sadly, it's become a fashion (or maybe rather a mechanism of defense) among Westernized "Muslims" to "reveal" Islamic atrocities, while continuing on the evil path with an own private agenda for "peace".
Islam IS segregation and totalitarianism - all in one and nothing in between!
A transition from kinship to kingship that went awfully wrong!
Some Islam etymology: Islam originally meant an Arabic male desert warrior/robberer/rapeist (pre-Islamic Arab nomads' ultra-sexism is wellknown among historians), and Allah was one oout of 360 pre-Islamic gods (see Klevius Definition of religion and Klevius Vagina gate in the atom of kinship).
In Germany Koran is now reported to the police. That means a first small step for mankind against a giant pan-Arabic/Islamic 1400 year long crime against humanity.
Learn more abt Islam:
Origin and spreading of Islam
Islam, Viking slave raider/trader and the Valkyrie
Islam and its lack of negative human rights
Islam induced racism and the white Rosa Park
Shinto (the world's oldest religion) meets Islam - why isn't Koranic hate speach forbidden?!
Klevius definition of religion - the Vagina gate in the atom of kinship
Angels of Antichrist - kinship vs social state
What's sex segregation? - Islam's ultimate pillar
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Go Denmark! Help Sweden! March on Brussels 9.11.07 por favor, merci!
absurd tanken -
Gud om Universum veta
Iran aldrig nuke Europa
om de svära till Stilla eller
omfamna full dhimmi liv
absurd thought -
God of the Universe knows
Iran never nuke Europe
if they swear to Allah
or embrace full dhimmi life
تمام جوانان ایران می گویند : " اسلام یک دین اهریمنی و یک دین ضد بشر است."
Alle iranske unge si: "Islam er en satanic og en anti humanisme religion."
Todos los jóvenes iraníes dicen: "El Islam es un satánico y un humanismo de lucha contra la religión."
جميع الشباب الايراني يقول : "الاسلام هو شيطانيه ومناهضه للدين الانسانيه".
Tous les jeunes iraniens dire: "L'islam est une satanique et un humanisme de lutte contre la religion".
Alle iranske unge sige: "Islam er en sataniske og en anti humanisme religion."
Alle Iraanse jongeren zeggen: "De islam is een satanische en een anti humanisme religie."
Все иранские молодые люди говорят: "Ислам является сатанинские и анти религия гуманизма".
所有伊朗的年轻人说: “伊斯兰是一个撒旦和反人文主义的宗教