Read Peter Klevius in-depth research on The Psychosocial Freud Timeline.
Read Peter Klevius Origin of the Vikings from 2005 - now again available after Google deleted it 2014 and again in February 2024.
So Biden administration is directly responsible for the bloodbath now again going on in Syria! And to make it even worse, US has removed the Uyghur jihadis terrorist assighnation, even though they committed crimes against humanity together with ISIS. Desperate US supports anything that could hurt Chinese.
In December 2024 Syria appointed Uyghur islamist fighters to its military that includeed leaders of key Syrian armed factions.
Among them were Chinese Uyghur militant Abdulaziz Dawood Khudaberdi, also known as Zahid and the commander of the separatist Turkistan Islamic Party's (TIP) forces in Syria, who was appointed a brigadier-general. Two other Uyghur islamist fighters, Mawlan Tarsoun Abdussamad and Abdulsalam Yasin Ahmad, were given the rank of colonel.
Peter Klevius wrote:
* The s.c. "evidence" against Assad was that 'chemical weapons had been used in Syria'. One may ask why Assad would do something that would weaken his war against Sunni islamist insurgents. One may also compare the immoprality of Assad with the immorality of Bush, Obama and Trump when it comes to their acts in Syria and their torturing, extrajudicial murdering and detaining practices, millions of war victims etc. Moreover, isn't US an obvious complicite to the suffering of the Syrian people? Could the Syrian government perhaps had been less brutal with less medling? Also do note how US "by mistake" bombed the Syrian army at a critical time when it had surrounded the ISIS.
2012 Saudi islamist dictator family reported that islamist terrorists had seized their chemical weapons factory in Syria. Same year the first chemical attacks began in Syria.
Read Peter Klevius in-depth research on The Psychosocial Freud Timeline.
Read Peter Klevius Origin of the Vikings from 2005 - now again available after Google deleted it 2014 and again in February 2024.
Read Peter Klevius thesis Pathological Symbiosis in LVU on how a hoax child-psychoanalytic concept is still used by the Swedish social state to abduct children on subjective grounds. It also reveals (see email correspondens in appendix) how legislators were lured to pass a Human Rights violating law which was then blinked by ECHR because it was seen as below the "margin of appreciation".
20 August 2012*, during the Syrian civil war, US president Barack Obama responded to a reporter’s question on the safety of chemical weapon stockpiles in Syria by claiming that “a red line for us is we start seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving around or being utilized. That would change my calculus.”
* Barack Obama, “Remarks by the President to the White House Press Corps,” White House Office of the Press Secretary, August 20, 2012,
Peter Klevius: Obama/CIA knew very well that the islamist terrorists possessed loads of chemical weapons!
UN report S/2016/738:
The Syrian-Saudi Chemicals Company had a chlorine production facility producing caustic soda and liquid chlorine 29 km east of Aleppo. The Government stated that the facility had been seized by the Nusrah Front (al-Qaeda) in August 2012 and that the Nusrah Front and some armed opposition groups (e.g. ISIS) had the capability to transport chlorine across the country. The Government provided information that approximately 400 tons of chlorine had been present at the plant at the time of its seizure. The Mechanism confirmed that chlorine containers at the facility had been moved after August 2012. No information is available on to where the containers were transported or how their content might have been used.
The Government also stated that there was a pulp and paper plant in Dayr al-Zawr,
which included a chlorine-producing unit. According to the Government, 59 tons of
hydrochloric acid and 3 tons of sodium hypochlorite had been stored at the facility when
it was seized by armed opposition groups in the first quarter of 2012. There is open-
source information claiming that storage and safety features of the unit were maintained
after the plant was seized. This suggests that some chemicals remained stored at the
US, Israel and Turkey have all occupied parts of Syria. Peter Klevius wonders if this is what the US dictated "world's rules based order" mean?
When Assad was toppled, US (and its proxy puppet Israel) immediately started an intense bomb campaign against ISIS, which US previously had happily let harrass Assad. US used all means available to weaken/topple the Syrian government.
Nato-Turkey supports what Nato-US has designated as terrorists, i.e. the HTP-led insurgents led by a radical islamist group with roots in Al Qaeda, while US supports Kurds whom Turket has designated as terrorists.
When Syria's civil war began, Ankara sided with the rebels, breaking off all diplomatic relations with Damascus. More recently, President Erdogan has attempted to revive diplomatic ties but Assad rejected the overture, saying normalization was out of the question until Turkish troops are withdrawn from northern Syria.
Turkey's ultimate goal is to topple the Kurdish Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria, where the Democratic Union Party (PYD), an offshoot of the banned Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), is in conrol.
At the moment, the two most powerful groups operating in the region are HTS and the SNA. The latter, according to Turkish Middle East expert Erhan Kelesoglu, immediately started an offensive against the Kurds as soon as Aleppo fell.
The Free Syrian Army (FSA) and also known as the Turkish-backed Free Syrian Army (TFSA), is a coalition of armed Syrian mostly terrorist groups in the Syrian proxy war. Comprising various factions that emerged at the start of the war in July 2011, it was officially established in 2017 under the auspices of Turkey, which provides funding, training, and military support.
Peter Klevius wrote:
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Were Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey, US and UK accomplices to the gas attack/s in Syria?
Acknowledgement: Klevius is no fan of Assad. Not only because of the accusation of Syrian involvement in the February 2005 assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri and support for muslim anti-Jewish terror groups etc, but also because of him being a muslim who happily and shamelessly, like most others, utilizes islam (the worst crime ever against humanity) for his agenda.
And those muslims who don't fit in either category need to face Erdogan, OIC and Human Rights violating Sharia - or admit they are no real muslims
Klevius comment: I for one cannot see the slightest space for political islam in a democratic society based on the belief in Human Rights. Can you?
Not taking responsibility for the evilness in one's ideology is pathetic. Klevius will elaborate on this in the next posting. In a way so most muslims should understand - if they dare to admit it.
Why do Western politicians support islamic terrorists? Is it because Western tax payers are ignorant and misinformed about what islam really is? But the truth is that the victims' bodies are all labeled 'political islam'!
Fly Qatar islamofascism while bowing towards the Saudis
When George W Bush in a week managed to topple Iraq's chemical weapons using dictator Saddam Hussein (whose Sarin victims were counted in tens of thousands) he was spat on by many. However, in Syria everything seems the opposite. The Sarin is used by the terrorists but Obama & Co are asked to topple Assad. How come?! The answer is simple: Saddam was Sunni and Assad is Shia.
The fact that launching indiscriminate biological attacks makes absolutely no sense militarily for Assad means it’s far more likely that such attacks are being staged by rebels – many of whom are being led by Al-Qaeda/Al-Nusra islamic terrorists – with support from the likes of Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey.
William Engdahl: In the text of (Saudi) Al Arabiya's article we read that the “Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said dozens of people were killed, including children, in fierce bombardment.” Now the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) has been the source of every news report negative against the Syrian Assad government since the war began in 2011. More curious about the humanitarian-sounding SOHR is the fact, as uncovered by investigative journalists, that it consists of a sole Syrian refugee who has lived in London for the past 13 years named Rami Abdul Rahman, a Syrian Sunni muslim who owns a clothing shop and is running a Twitter page from his home. Partly owing to a very friendly profile story on the BBC, he gained mainstream media credibility. He is anything but unbiased.
The other aspect of the suspicious reports is the “convenient” fact they coincide with the arrival two days earlier of an official UN weapons inspection team, allowed by the government, to investigate allegations of chemical weapons use in the Syrian war. It begs the most obvious question: What conceivably would Bashar al Assad stand to gain from using banned chemical weapons just at the time he has agreed to let a UN chemical weapons team into Syria?
Sarin and its distribution
Paul from Allen Vanguard:
How long would it take Sarin to become harmless, or dissipate? In general terms are we talking minutes, hours, weeks?
This is difficult to answer because of the variables that could exist but Sarin is a non-persistent and highly volatile liquid which disperses and vaporises rapidly dependent on conditions of temperature and air flow. A single projectile of Sarin fired in a hot, sunny featureless environment during a windy day could feasibly take minutes to dissipate. At the other end of the spectrum, a sustained bombardment/barrage in an urban area during a period of no wind and no sustained periods of sun would be more likely to create a scenario where pockets of exposed Sarin would last for days, unexposed Sarin could last for weeks and CW UXO could remain in the area for years.
Dan Kaszeta, a US Army Chemical Corps veteran:
Submuntions: A highly effective way of dissemination would be a munition that scattered bomblets or submunitions at some height, with the submunitions designed for ground impact detonation. Other factors being equal (…but they often aren’t), submunitions are generally considered a more efficient method of dispensing Sarin.
In Tokyo it had been intended initially to aerosolise but ended up being stabbed bags left to evaporate (which is pretty good due to the speed at which it evaporates).
The canisters recovered from the scene of the attacks matched canisters also recovered from an attack reported in Sheikh Maqsoud in Aleppo, where there were again claims of them being dropped from a helicopter, with photographs showing the canister remains covered in white-grey powder.
The same design of canister has also been filmed in a cache of weapons reportedly captured by the Syrian opposition from the Syrian military, and a journalist in Syria has shown the image of the canister to various armed group, many of which have claimed to have seen them in the possession of opposition fighters, claiming to have captured them from the Syrian army.
Another type of grenade, using an identical fuze, was also photographed in Syria, with the photographer being told it was a normal smoke grenade.
The Russian government has claimed the Syrian opposition was responsible for the Khan al-Assal attack, with a DIY rocket delivering a payload of Sarin.
What do you think would be involved in putting together a DIY chemical warhead for a DIY rocket?
Crude devices are not that hard. Removal of explosives or whatever payload had been carried, followed by introducing the agent. You would need protective gear and it wouldn’t be very safe doing the filling.
Accuracy would be lost (if a missile) and performance of rockets could be affected by different weight distribution. I don’t really want to go in to too much detail about the how, lest I give ideas or advice, but early CW munitions were very simple.
If you don’t really care where it goes then its achievable.
Considering the Russian government's claim that a DIY rocket was used in the attack, what would be the most effective dispersal method once the rocket reached it's target?
Air burst or base ejection were used by military munitions but require more complex fuses. If aimed at hard targets then you’d get a level of dispersal by simple impact, but if it hit the earth then the payload could just get driven in to the earth.
Syrian Rebels use D-30 Howitzers capable of distributing Sarin
The D-30 is a Russian-made 122 mm towed howitzer that first entered service in the 1960s with the Russian army. The D-30 is designed to defeat unsheltered and covered manpower, weapons and military equipment of the enemy at the forward edge of the battle area and to the regiment mission depth. The D-30 has been widely exported and used in wars around the world, notably in the Middle East, and particularly in the Iran-Iraq War.
President al-Assad in an interview by the German Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung after the previous chemical weapons attack:
Monday, April 10, 2017
Saudi Arabia gas attacks Syrians (via its support of al-Nusra/Islamic State) and Syrians and Russians get the blame. How come?
Has Trump been "educated" (or "streamlined" into, if you prefer) by the very establishment he came to "clean up"?
How is it even possible that politicians from top nations now wants to go to war based on fake news? There's still no evidence whatsoever, yet firm "conclusions" are drawn.From a winning formula
to a 'historical turning point' just before the gas attack and due Tomahawk throwing.
What could it be? Assad who got a shortcut in his brain - or a gas attack committed by the islamofascist Saudi dictator family via al-Nusra/Islamic State, for the purpose of getting the upper hand against Iran*?
* All the noise about Putin/Russia is created for the purpose of protecting the most dangerous dictatorship on Earth right now, the islamofascist Saudi steered part of the Arabian peninsula. And the only thing that limits the Saudi hegemony is Putin/Russia and its support of Iran.
Aircrafts in the sky dropping bombs + sarin on the ground = x.
1 x = Syrian aircrafts dropping sarin bombs?
2 x = Syrian aircrafts hitting sarin on the ground?
3 x = sarin delivered from the ground at the same time (e.g. by using ground launced grenades - as IS have loads of - see more further down)?
All of these will look the same. However, number one seems quite unlikely at a time when Assad was already winning both the muslim terrorists as well as a negotiation opening.
So why is Trump attacking Syria without knowing?
The only answer (no matter which x you choose) is the islamofascist Saudi dictator family - backed by Israel and the usual "Western" pack.
Klevius wrote:
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Were Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey, US and UK accomplices to the gas attack/s in Syria?
Acknowledgement: Klevius is no fan of Assad. Not only because of the accusation of Syrian involvement in the February 2005 assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri and support for muslim anti-Jewish terror groups etc, but also because of him being a muslim who happily and shamelessly, like most others, utilizes islam (the worst crime ever against humanity) for his agenda.
And those muslims who don't fit in either category need to face Erdogan, OIC and Human Rights violating Sharia - or admit they are no real muslims
Klevius comment: I for one cannot see the slightest space for political islam in a democratic society based on the belief in Human Rights. Can you?
Not taking responsibility for the evilness in one's ideology is pathetic. Klevius will elaborate on this in the next posting. In a way so most muslims should understand - if they dare to admit it.
Why do Western politicians support islamic terrorists? Is it because Western tax payers are ignorant and misinformed about what islam really is? But the truth is that the victims' bodies are all labeled 'political islam'!
Fly Qatar islamofascism while bowing towards the Saudis
When George W Bush in a week managed to topple Iraq's chemical weapons using dictator Saddam Hussein (whose Sarin victims were counted in tens of thousands) he was spat on by many. However, in Syria everything seems the opposite. The Sarin is used by the terrorists but Obama & Co are asked to topple Assad. How come?! The answer is simple: Saddam was Sunni and Assad is Shia.
The fact that launching indiscriminate biological attacks makes absolutely no sense militarily for Assad means it’s far more likely that such attacks are being staged by rebels – many of whom are being led by Al-Qaeda/Al-Nusra islamic terrorists – with support from the likes of Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey.
William Engdahl: In the text of (Saudi) Al Arabiya's article we read that the “Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said dozens of people were killed, including children, in fierce bombardment.” Now the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) has been the source of every news report negative against the Syrian Assad government since the war began in 2011. More curious about the humanitarian-sounding SOHR is the fact, as uncovered by investigative journalists, that it consists of a sole Syrian refugee who has lived in London for the past 13 years named Rami Abdul Rahman, a Syrian Sunni muslim who owns a clothing shop and is running a Twitter page from his home. Partly owing to a very friendly profile story on the BBC, he gained mainstream media credibility. He is anything but unbiased.
The other aspect of the suspicious reports is the “convenient” fact they coincide with the arrival two days earlier of an official UN weapons inspection team, allowed by the government, to investigate allegations of chemical weapons use in the Syrian war. It begs the most obvious question: What conceivably would Bashar al Assad stand to gain from using banned chemical weapons just at the time he has agreed to let a UN chemical weapons team into Syria?
Sarin and its distribution
Paul from Allen Vanguard:
How long would it take Sarin to become harmless, or dissipate? In general terms are we talking minutes, hours, weeks?
This is difficult to answer because of the variables that could exist but Sarin is a non-persistent and highly volatile liquid which disperses and vaporises rapidly dependent on conditions of temperature and air flow. A single projectile of Sarin fired in a hot, sunny featureless environment during a windy day could feasibly take minutes to dissipate. At the other end of the spectrum, a sustained bombardment/barrage in an urban area during a period of no wind and no sustained periods of sun would be more likely to create a scenario where pockets of exposed Sarin would last for days, unexposed Sarin could last for weeks and CW UXO could remain in the area for years.
Dan Kaszeta, a US Army Chemical Corps veteran:
Submuntions: A highly effective way of dissemination would be a munition that scattered bomblets or submunitions at some height, with the submunitions designed for ground impact detonation. Other factors being equal (…but they often aren’t), submunitions are generally considered a more efficient method of dispensing Sarin.
In Tokyo it had been intended initially to aerosolise but ended up being stabbed bags left to evaporate (which is pretty good due to the speed at which it evaporates).
The canisters recovered from the scene of the attacks matched canisters also recovered from an attack reported in Sheikh Maqsoud in Aleppo, where there were again claims of them being dropped from a helicopter, with photographs showing the canister remains covered in white-grey powder.
The same design of canister has also been filmed in a cache of weapons reportedly captured by the Syrian opposition from the Syrian military, and a journalist in Syria has shown the image of the canister to various armed group, many of which have claimed to have seen them in the possession of opposition fighters, claiming to have captured them from the Syrian army.
Another type of grenade, using an identical fuze, was also photographed in Syria, with the photographer being told it was a normal smoke grenade.
The Russian government has claimed the Syrian opposition was responsible for the Khan al-Assal attack, with a DIY rocket delivering a payload of Sarin.
What do you think would be involved in putting together a DIY chemical warhead for a DIY rocket?
Crude devices are not that hard. Removal of explosives or whatever payload had been carried, followed by introducing the agent. You would need protective gear and it wouldn’t be very safe doing the filling.
Accuracy would be lost (if a missile) and performance of rockets could be affected by different weight distribution. I don’t really want to go in to too much detail about the how, lest I give ideas or advice, but early CW munitions were very simple.
If you don’t really care where it goes then its achievable.
Considering the Russian government's claim that a DIY rocket was used in the attack, what would be the most effective dispersal method once the rocket reached it's target?
Air burst or base ejection were used by military munitions but require more complex fuses. If aimed at hard targets then you’d get a level of dispersal by simple impact, but if it hit the earth then the payload could just get driven in to the earth.
Syrian Rebels use D-30 Howitzers capable of distributing Sarin
The D-30 is a Russian-made 122 mm towed howitzer that first entered service in the 1960s with the Russian army. The D-30 is designed to defeat unsheltered and covered manpower, weapons and military equipment of the enemy at the forward edge of the battle area and to the regiment mission depth. The D-30 has been widely exported and used in wars around the world, notably in the Middle East, and particularly in the Iran-Iraq War.
President al-Assad in an interview by the German Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung after the previous chemical weapons attack:
Wednesday, April 11, 2018
The Saudi dictator family is extremely likely responsible for the chemical attacks in Syria - yet their war criminal Hitler "prince" is welcomed and supported. How come?
Theresa May said she wouldn't hesitate to nuke innocent children and women - so why would she hesitate to prolong the suffering in Syria by extending the Saudi initiated war that was just about to end. And she loves Human Rights violating sharia and her "important ally" the islamofascist Saudi dictator.
Klevius: "Reform jihad" means terrorist attacks with a laughter and some "reform" plaster - such as letting some women the right to drive, and letting some people to visit "sharia free" zones.And the world's worst fake news propaganda media BBC has been completely silent about the Alawites (Shia muslims) murdered, tortured, raped and kept in cages as protection for the Saudi supported Salafist Sunni muslim terrorists' mortar etc. basis. But BBC has a lot of air time used against Facebook - their main competitor they want to kill as they have already killed so many others who they feel threatens BBC's world media monopoly.
Jaysh al-Islam is a coalition of Islamist rebel units involved in the Syrian Civil War. Its primary base of operations has been the Damascus area, particularly the city of Douma and region of Eastern Ghouta. Jaysh al-Islam is the largest rebel faction in the area, as was Liwa al-Islam. The group was a part of the Islamic Front. The organization has rejected membership of the Free Syrian Army. The group along with Ahrar ash-Sham are among the main rebel groups supported by Saudi Arabia. It promotes an Islamic state under Sharia law.
Alleged use of chemical weapons by Saudi supported terrorists
On 7 April 2016, the Sheikh Maqsood neighborhood in Aleppo was shelled with mortars that may have contained chemical agents.[84] On 8 April, a spokesman for the rebel group said that “weapons not authorized for use in these types of confrontations” had been used against Kurdish militia and civilians in Aleppo. He stated that “One of our commanders has unlawfully used a type of weapon that is not included in our list”. He did not specify what substances were used but, according to Kurdish Red Crescent, the symptoms were consistent with the use of chlorine gas or other agents. Welat Memo, a physician with the Kurdish Red Crescent, said that the people affected are "vomiting and having difficulty in breathing."
Klevius wrote:
Monday, March 26, 2018
Who benefits most from recent attacks against Russia (and Corbyn's anti-semitism)? The islamofascist Saudi dictator family and its new Hitler.
Klevius analysis: Russia is the main obstacle for the islamofascist Saudi dictator family's take over of the whole of Mideast. And the war drums are on for the Saudi Hitler.
How did UN and the West end up in the darkest of caves against those very Human Rights UN and the West had agreed on after the last Hitler?
Dear non-politician readers, how many of you think it's ok to go in bed with our main enemy? An enemy that has countless of times attacked us. An enemy that criminalizes the values we hold as our dearest. An enemy that ticks every box on evilness.
Klevius is utterly ashamed of being a "Westerner" today...
Tuesday, September 18, 2018
While the West betrays Human Rights and parts with the war crimes and terrorism committing islamofascist Saudi dictator family, China has now indirectly become the best* defender of Human Rights?
Why is the West parting with the worst Human Rights abusers and war criminals while smearing China?!
The problem is islam - and its custodian, the islamofascist Saudi dictator family and the Saudi based and steered OIC.Could bigotry and hypocrisy get any lower?
Google News today (Tulsi Gabbard inserted by Klevius):
Genocide and cooperation between Judaism and islam.
The origin of islam was plundering and raping booty jihad along Jewish slave trade routes.
Here's an approximate map of Judaism just before the origin of islam.
And below an approximate map of the violent muslim colonization in the foot steps of the Jewish slave trade routes.
The above maps could be almost identical if produced with same techniques. This is no coincident but due to the "mysterious" code (the Jews) that made Arab imperialism possible and historical analysis impossible ("mysterious") if not included.
Except for Khazaria, Jews were more business orientated (mainly slave trade) than eager to waive swords compared to their copycats the Arab Bedouins. However, without wealthy and influential Jews leading the bloodthirsty and illiterate Bedouins (compare Ibn-Khaldun's description) and paving the way for the Arab looters (compare how the Jews used Turkic people in Khazaria in pretty much the same manner) the "Arab conquest" would have quickly dried out in the Arabian sand.
Islam is a late branch of Judaism. Jewish slave trade seamlessly continued and expanded under what came to be called islam.
Today this schizophrenic ideological connection, which started with Mohammad's genocide of the Jews in Medina, still possesses the same characteristics, now on one hand muslim hate crimes against Jews and on the other hand cooperation, e.g. between the Jewish state of Israel and the islamofascist Saudi dictator family backed by the West.
United Nation mingles with and supports the worst of islamofascists. Why? Because UN, the supposed bastion of Human Rights has been hijacked by 57 islamofascism supporting member states (OIC).
It's reported that the White Helmets NGO has smuggled a large shipment of poisonous substances to Ahrar al-Sham warehouses in Idlib.
Ahrar al-Sham is an islamofascist muslim terrorist organization supported by the islamofascist Saudi dictator family - and UN.
Klevius wrote:
Wednesday, April 11, 2018
The Saudi dictator family is extremely likely responsible for the chemical attacks in Syria - yet their war criminal Hitler "prince" is welcomed and supported. How come?
Theresa May said she wouldn't hesitate to nuke innocent children and women - so why would she hesitate to prolong the suffering in Syria by extending the Saudi initiated war that was just about to end. And she loves Human Rights violating sharia and her "important ally" the islamofascist Saudi dictator.
Klevius: "Reform jihad" means terrorist attacks with a laughter and some "reform" plaster - such as letting some women the right to drive, and letting some people to visit "sharia free" zones.And the world's worst fake news propaganda media BBC has been completely silent about the Alawites (Shia muslims) murdered, tortured, raped and kept in cages as protection for the Saudi supported Salafist Sunni muslim terrorists' mortar etc. basis. But BBC has a lot of air time used against Facebook - their main competitor they want to kill as they have already killed so many others who they feel threatens BBC's world media monopoly.
Jaysh al-Islam is a coalition of Islamist rebel units involved in the Syrian Civil War. Its primary base of operations has been the Damascus area, particularly the city of Douma and region of Eastern Ghouta. Jaysh al-Islam is the largest rebel faction in the area, as was Liwa al-Islam. The group was a part of the Islamic Front. The organization has rejected membership of the Free Syrian Army. The group along with Ahrar ash-Sham are among the main rebel groups supported by Saudi Arabia. It promotes an Islamic state under Sharia law.
Alleged use of chemical weapons by Saudi supported terrorists
On 7 April 2016, the Sheikh Maqsood neighborhood in Aleppo was shelled with mortars that may have contained chemical agents.[84] On 8 April, a spokesman for the rebel group said that “weapons not authorized for use in these types of confrontations” had been used against Kurdish militia and civilians in Aleppo. He stated that “One of our commanders has unlawfully used a type of weapon that is not included in our list”. He did not specify what substances were used but, according to Kurdish Red Crescent, the symptoms were consistent with the use of chlorine gas or other agents. Welat Memo, a physician with the Kurdish Red Crescent, said that the people affected are "vomiting and having difficulty in breathing."
Klevius wrote:
Monday, March 26, 2018
Who benefits most from recent attacks against Russia (and Corbyn's anti-semitism)? The islamofascist Saudi dictator family and its new Hitler.
Klevius analysis: Russia is the main obstacle for the islamofascist Saudi dictator family's take over of the whole of Mideast. And the war drums are on for the Saudi Hitler.
How did UN and the West end up in the darkest of caves against those very Human Rights UN and the West had agreed on after the last Hitler?
Dear non-politician readers, how many of you think it's ok to go in bed with our main enemy? An enemy that has countless of times attacked us. An enemy that criminalizes the values we hold as our dearest. An enemy that ticks every box on evilness.
Klevius is utterly ashamed of being a "Westerner" today...
Thursday, September 12, 2013
BBC: "our* correspondent in Maaloula has seen statues in churches which were left undamaged". Klevius: Really!
* As BBC is extremely biased in favor of Sunni Saudi islamists in these matters, it would make no sense if their chosen correspondent wouldn't be equally biased.
Update: Voices from Maaloula
Maaloula's two famous monasteries were saved, but that two village churches, one Orthodox, the other Eastern-Rite Catholic, had been ransacked. The churches still existed -- kind of.
"On the inside, the icons, the holy books, everything had been desecrated. Not just ripped off the walls, but covered in urine," said Bishop Basil. Obviously, this must be seen as "real desecration -- by that wing of the Free Syrian Army."
Update: Islamist opposition uses land - land rockets in addition to sarin gas
Syrian security official confirmed Tuesday that the armed opposition militants have locally manufactured land - land rockets in addition to sarin gas, in the wake of the UN report on alleged use of chemical weapons in an attack on Damascus last month.
"I deny hundred percent the use of the Syrian army to the material," the Syrian official said in the first official reaction after the report.
"There is no justification to resort to this weapon because we are achieve victories on the ground," he stated, noting that "those who resort to this weapon is the defeated party who reached the point of suicide."
The source indicated that the Syrian army "is making progress in all areas, and operations are going according to the plan."
The official also underlined that "the terrorists manufacture land-land rockets locally, and that it is likely that they have put sarin gas in them", in reference to the a Ghota alleged attack in August 21.
"The terrorists know perfectly well how to install the material on missile warheads," the Syrian official said, adding that they had "received training at the hands of U.S., British and French intelligence experts who are working with them on the ground."
Western, Saudi, Qatar etc sponsored violence in Syria
With Obama's & Co warmongering rhetoric against Syria, prominent Christian figures in Mideast have warned Christians about the extreme danger that islam and its Saudi supported Sunni muslims pose.
The leader of Lebanon’s Free Patriotic Movement, MP Michel Aoun accuses the West of encouraging the collective displacement of Christians by backing the Al-Qaeda affiliated Al-Nusra Front.
Possibly all the Christians living in Maaloula have now fled. Bloudan next?
Christian scholars and others accuse Washington and some European governments of plotting to displace them in exchange for oil and gas.
According to Greek Melkite Patriarch Gregory Laham III, witnesses told that when the rebels moved into Maaloula they threatened Christians with death unless they converted to islam.
Some Christians who fled wrote to the US Congress to alert them of the horror of the attack. They said that members of the Islamist Al-Nusra Front, looted "monasteries and churches, removing sacred images as they went on, ordering residents to convert to islam to save their life".
"I saw people wearing Al-Nusra headbands who started shooting at crosses," one resident said to the AFP news agency. One insurgent "put a pistol to the head of my neighbour and forced him to convert to islam by obliging him to repeat ‘there is no God but [Allah].' Afterwards they joked, ‘He's one of ours now'".
The muslim genocide of Christians, Jews etc in muslim Arab land
Kristen Chick (
Minya's streets are now lined with burned-out hulks. Church interiors
have been reduced to ash. The once-cheerful turquoise exterior of a
Christian orphanage is now streaked black from the fire that gutted
it. Destroyed wheelchairs sit outside a burned-out Jesuit center that
worked with disabled people. Torched schools, shops, and monasteries lie
in ruins. On one street, several Christian-owned shops are reduced to
scorched rubble. Nearby, an untouched snack shop blares a song that
proclaims “Egypt is Islamic.”
As the attacks happened, police did little or nothing to stop them.
some Christians, the trouble didn't stop when the flames died down. A
few days after their church was torched, a neighbor relayed an anonymous
threat to Said Botros Attallah and his wife Sahar Atteya Saadallah: Pay
500 Egyptian pounds, or their house would be burned down – with them
Samir Lamei Sakr, a lawyer who focuses on human rights,
has already seen his home burned down in the village of Delja, in Minya
province. He says there is no going back. He fled to Cairo with his
immediate and extended family after mobs attacked their houses, and
killed his cousin, dragging his body through the streets behind a
vehicle, Mr. Sakr says.
Free Syrian Army muslim rebels and the muslim al-Nusra islamists (both supported by Obama, the Saudis, Qatar etc) have all the time been fighting together against Assad and his government forces. So also in Maaloula where Christians have been forced to flee after having been murdered, and intimidated (incl. forced conversion to islam) by muslims*.
* Yes, idiot! They were muslims, period. And this fact isn't altered by there being some so called "moderate" muslims in the world. On the contrary, this kind of islam excuse is the worst of bigoted hypocrisy. Eating the cake while still having it, i.e. Islam is what connects all muslims,dude!
While contemplating the pic below, do consider the inevitable fact that islam (in any meaningful form) doesn't approve of our most basic universal Human Rights! That's the main pillar of the problem, dude!
So those muslims who don't fit in either category need to face Erdogan, OIC and Human Rights violating Sharia - or admit they are no real muslims.
Klevius comment: I for one cannot see the slightest space for political islam in a democratic society based on the belief in Human Rights. Can you?
What is it you should see behind the islamofascist smile? 1400 years of Koranic genocides and rapetivism?
Islam is an evil ideology, and this evilness is directly connected to its violent and totalitarian origin. And the sooner the world gets its facts right about islam (instead of the all time ongoing and misleading islam propaganda fueled by oil money, racism and sexism) the sooner islam induced criminality/atrocities will decrease in a world with already enough atrocities without islam.
Sunday, March 10, 2024
Peter Klevius warmonger analysis: Israel's seemingly genocide supporter, China hater and pro dollar freeloader US militaristic expansionist hegemony supporter Tom Tugendhat is a serious threat to peace, security and prosperity in UK - and elsewhere!
Tom Tugendhat, the wealthy Jew-ish aristocrat (and apparently not too smart) warmonger who became an MP with the votes from one of UK's tiniest and wealthiest constituencies, and by the help of his deep rooted military and financial connections, plus BBC's frenetic campaign for him (because he fits perfectly BBC's militaristic extremist Sinophobia disinformation agenda).
Does Tom Tugendhat unwittingly (hopefully just because of scarce understanding?!) constitute part of the core of Western (read 'dollar thieve US') evil today?
Tom Tugendhat: I’d never really considered myself Jewish before I entered parliament in 2015. As a Catholic Brit with a French mother and English father the Austrian bit—our name—was a legacy of long ago. At a push, I would have said I was Jew-ish.
Tom Tugendhat: Britain has an opportunity to adapt to the new realities of global foreign affairs. The rise of India, Russia, China, and the Pacific alliance provide new channels of engagement with the world as well as opportunities to promote democracy and liberty (sic*) on a global scale not seen since the height of the British Empire. The problem is that we’re not taking the opportunity presented to us. What it will require is strong national leadership, a clear sense of national purpose, and a reaffirmed commitment to the international rules based order ("rules" forced on the world by dollar embezzler US now desperate dictatorship - Peter Klevius comment).
* A much bigger share of people in meritocratic China suppoorts the government than does any Western country, and especially not US and UK - not to mnention on how a tiny "democratic" basis Tom Tugendhat slipped into the parliament, and when there then heavily inflated with evil sub-political etc. forces.
Warmonger Tom Tugendhat was born in Westminster, London, the son of Sir Michael Tugendhat, a High Court judge and his French-born wife Blandine de Loisne. He is a nephew of Lord Tugendhat, a businessman, former Vice President of the European Commission and Conservative Party politician.
He was educated at St Paul's School, London, an all-boys private school, before studying theology at the University of Bristol. Tugendhat then did a Master's degree course in Islamic studies at Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, and learning Arabic in Yemen. Following university, he briefly served as a journalist at the Lebanese newspaper The Daily Star.
Tugendhat was elected as the Member of Parliament for Tonbridge and Malling, a safe Conservative seat in Kent, at the 2015 general election. In 2013, Tugendhat was selected as the Conservative Party candidate for Tonbridge and Malling in an open primary. At the 2015 general election, Tugendhat was elected as MP for Tonbridge and Malling, winning with 59% of the few votes.
Tugendhat voted against Brexit, supporting continued membership of the European Union in the 2016 referendum. He voted in favour of the withdrawal agreement negotiated by Theresa May's government on each of the three occasions it was put to a vote.
At the snap 2017 general election, Tugendhat was re-elected but seeing his majority decrease.
On 12 July 2017, Tugendhat was elected chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee, becoming the youngest person to hold the post. After the poisoning of Sergei and Yulia Skripal in Salisbury by a nerve agent, Tugendhat said the attack was "if not an act of war (...) certainly a warlike act by the Russian Federation".
Peter Klevius: So what was dollar embezzler (since 1971-) US murdering of Iran's presidential candidate?!
In February 2018, Tugendhat praised Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman: "He is rightly showing a vision for Saudi Arabia that sees her taking her place as a player in the global economy and I think that is incredibly positive, not just for Saudi Arabia, but for the world."
Peter Klevius: So the Saudi dictator family's spread of Salafist terror on the street of UK and around the wprld didn't bother you - but China's peaceful and infrastructure building BRI technological success is somthing you consider the biggest threat!
Under Tugendhat's chairmanship the Foreign Affairs Committee focused on British foreign policy priorities after Brexit, such as "the implications" of China's growing role in the international system.
Peter Klevius: Can I hear Uncle Sam's master voice behind this mouse squeak?!
At the 2019 general election, Tugendhat was again re-elected.
In January 2022, he stated he would consider running for the office of Prime Minister if Boris Johnson stood down. So BBC took Boris down so to pave the way.
Tom Tugendhat suggested expelling all Russian citizens from the UK.
On 6 September 2022, he was appointed Minister of State for Security in the Home Office as part of Liz Truss's cabinet.[
Peter Klevius: An equally clever move by China hater Truss as her "plan" for UK economy.
He was retained in this role by the Sunak government.
Peter Klevius: Probably to satisfy the warmonger extremists in the party who questioned weather Sunak was enough Sinophobic.
In this role he continued taking a hawkish position on the People's Republic of China and, equally, the PRC has maintained travel bans against him. On the order by dollar freeloader (since 1971-) US Tugendhat commissioned the National Cyber Security Centre to investigate ways that TikTok may compromise UK's national security.
Tugendhat also, again on suggestion by UK's master Sam, decided to join official talks with a government minister of Taiwan, breaking convention, in June 2023, on the topic of mutual "security interests".
Peter Klevius: Read 'US wish to weaken China!
On 29 May 2018, Tugendhat set out his own views on UK foreign policy in a speech at the Royal United Services Institute. He advocated giving the FCO greater powers to determine overall foreign policy strategy.
Peter Klevius: The Foreign, Commonwealth Office is "promoting British interests worldwide" (sic). Doesn't every country want to "promote its interests" worldwide - and does it via diplomacy and a foreign office?! Should China also have a (much more deserved) "Chinese common wealth" worldwide?! The idea is of course a copy of dollar embezzler (since 1971-) US "American interest". But China isn't even allowed to have peaceful and deeply important philosophical teachings by Confucius (551 – c. 479 BCE)
in the same universities where Saudi sponsored Human Rights violating sharia is accepted.
In a recorded conversation with American politician Mike Gallagher, Tugendhat gave an off-the-cuff outline of his foreign policy outlook as "trying to defend the world in which the values that matter to the people of Kent, prosper.
In April 2020, Tugendhat founded the "China Research Group" alongside fellow Conservative MP Neil O'Brien.
Peter Klevius: The only appropriate name wold be China hate group!
The group was formed to gain a "better understanding of China's economic ambitions and global role". This is to include Huawei's role in the UK's 5G network (see: Concerns over Chinese involvement in 5G wireless networks), China's "COVID-19 disinformation campaign", and its foreign policy, in particular its relations with poorer regions of the world.
Peter Klevius: This was all on order by US and led to Boris Johnson having to get rid of his beloved Huawei phome!
Tugendhat is considered to be a China hawk in the House of Commons, alongside Bob Seely and Sir Iain Duncan Smith.
Tugendhat is a strong supporter of Israel. He condemned the United Nations Security Council for its official criticism of Israel's building settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories. In January 2017, he wrote that the Israeli–Palestinian conflict "doesn't matter" to the protestors of the Arab Spring, and concluded that "Why was Israel-Palestine more pressing than other disputed territories such as Western Sahara, Kashmir or Tibet? It isn't.
Tugendhat was a participant at the 30 May–2 June 2019 Bilderberg Meeting in Montreux, Switzerland, and the 2-5 June 2022 Bilderberg meeting in Washington, D.C.
In the wake of the Fall of Kabul in August 2021, Tugendhat described the event in The Times as Britain's "biggest foreign policy disaster since Suez".
Peter Klevius: So why is he so eager creating new such disasters?!
Tugendhat holds dual British and French citizenship. His wife Anissia is a French judge and senior civil servant.
Peter Klevius: Yhat means he could be deported on the grounds that his actions aren't conducive to the public good of UK. Unless, of course, he deletes his foreign citizenship.
Tugendhat is a Roman Catholic who identifies with Jewish people. His paternal grandfather was an Austrian Jewish emigrant, from Vienna, who converted to Roman Catholicism. Following the December 2019 general election, Tugendhat criticised the antisemitism he had faced during the campaign: "It was a campaign that wasn't always as clean as previous ones. For the first time I faced antisemitism, which I found particularly offensive and very surprising for a community like this and frankly rather distasteful. It's very un-Tonbridge, it's very un-Kent and it's very un-British.
Peter Klevius: I thought it was very "British" to abuse religious tensions by supporting "British interests" no matter which side it hurts - while keeping babbling about "tolerance", anti-semitism and "islamophobia". Monotheist religion is the cancer of Mideast and the West. The extremist variants murder and terrorize each other, but when pressed, always stick together against the free world based on (negative) Human Rights!
On 17 November 2022 at Westminster Magistrates' Court, Tugendhat was banned from driving for six months after he was caught driving with his mobile phone in his hand on 14 April 2022. He received six points on his licence for the offence, in addition to six he already had for two previous driving offences. He was also ordered to pay a £1,000 fine, a surcharge of £100 and costs of £110. In a written guilty plea, Tugendhat said he was holding the phone but not using it and had later taken a driving course.
Peter Klevius: Why wasn't he deported because of repeated and extremely dangerous behavior?! After all, even a minor crime can be enough to deport a dual citizen. Peter Klevius has only once (when he was young) made a traffic violation - and that was only because the garage which should have replaced both front shock absorbers but only changed one without telling, which caused the car to go in the terrain in a sandy curve (but with no one else involved except Peter and his daughter in the car). After taht Peter Klevius drove without any flaws for decades on slippery dark roads and city traffic without doing any such stupid things as Tugendhat. Peter Klevius bought his first mobile 1991 and also had it hanging by the steering wheel but never using it while driving, because Peter Klevius IQ 200+ has made him an extreme coward because he imagines all kinds of threats to safety most people don't.
Why be an abused "ally" to a desperate and therefore dangerous Devil (US criminal fight to keep its stolen dollar hegemony - to whatever price) instead of supporting peace and prosperity?!
US Hegemony and Its Perils
February 2023
I. Political Hegemony—Throwing Its Weight Around
II. Military Hegemony—Wanton Use of Force
III. Economic Hegemony—Looting and Exploitation
IV. Technological Hegemony—Monopoly and Suppression
V. Cultural Hegemony—Spreading False Narratives
becoming the world's most powerful country after the two world wars and
the Cold War, the United States has acted more boldly to interfere in
the internal affairs of other countries, pursue, maintain and abuse
hegemony, advance subversion and infiltration, and willfully wage wars,
bringing harm to the international community.
The United States
has developed a hegemonic playbook to stage "color revolutions,"
instigate regional disputes, and even directly launch wars under the
guise of promoting democracy, freedom and human rights. Clinging to the
Cold War mentality, the United States has ramped up bloc politics and
stoked conflict and confrontation. It has overstretched the concept of
national security, abused export controls and forced unilateral
sanctions upon others. It has taken a selective approach to
international law and rules, utilizing or discarding them as it sees
fit, and has sought to impose rules that serve its own interests in the
name of upholding a "rules-based international order."
report, by presenting the relevant facts, seeks to expose the U.S. abuse
of hegemony in the political, military, economic, financial,
technological and cultural fields, and to draw greater international
attention to the perils of the U.S. practices to world peace and
stability and the well-being of all peoples.
I. Political Hegemony -- Throwing Its Weight Around
United States has long been attempting to mold other countries and the
world order with its own values and political system in the name of
promoting democracy and human rights.
◆ Instances of U.S.
interference in other countries' internal affairs abound. In the name of
"promoting democracy," the United States practiced a "Neo-Monroe
Doctrine" in Latin America, instigated "color revolutions" in Eurasia,
and orchestrated the "Arab Spring" in West Asia and North Africa,
bringing chaos and disaster to many countries.
In 1823, the
United States announced the Monroe Doctrine. While touting an "America
for the Americans," what it truly wanted was an "America for the United
Since then, the policies of successive U.S. governments
toward Latin America and the Caribbean Region have been riddled with
political interference, military intervention and regime subversion.
From its 61-year hostility toward and blockade of Cuba to its overthrow
of the Allende government of Chile, U.S. policy on this region has been
built on one maxim-those who submit will prosper; those who resist shall
The year 2003 marked the beginning of a succession of
"color revolutions" -- the "Rose Revolution" in Georgia, the "Orange
Revolution" in Ukraine and the "Tulip Revolution" in Kyrgyzstan. The
U.S. Department of State openly admitted playing a "central role" in
these "regime changes." The United States also interfered in the
internal affairs of the Philippines, ousting President Ferdinand Marcos
Sr. in 1986 and President Joseph Estrada in 2001 through the so-called
"People Power Revolutions."
In January 2023, former U.S.
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo released his new book Never Give an Inch:
Fighting for the America I Love. He revealed in it that the United
States had plotted to intervene in Venezuela. The plan was to force the
Maduro government to reach an agreement with the opposition, deprive
Venezuela of its ability to sell oil and gold for foreign exchange,
exert high pressure on its economy, and influence the 2018 presidential
◆ The U.S. exercises double standards on international
rules. Placing its self-interest first, the United States has walked
away from international treaties and organizations, and put its domestic
law above international law. In April 2017, the Trump administration
announced that it would cut off all U.S. funding to the United Nations
Population Fund (UNFPA) with the excuse that the organization "supports,
or participates in the management of a programme of coercive abortion
or involuntary sterilization." The United States quit UNESCO twice in
1984 and 2017. In 2017, it announced leaving the Paris Agreement on
climate change. In 2018, it announced its exit from the UN Human Rights
Council, citing the organization's "bias" against Israel and failure to
protect human rights effectively. In 2019, the United States announced
its withdrawal from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty to seek
unfettered development of advanced weapons. In 2020, it announced
pulling out of the Treaty on Open Skies.
The United States has
also been a stumbling block to biological arms control by opposing
negotiations on a verification protocol for the Biological Weapons
Convention (BWC) and impeding international verification of countries'
activities relating to biological weapons. As the only country in
possession of a chemical weapons stockpile, the United States has
repeatedly delayed the destruction of chemical weapons and remained
reluctant in fulfilling its obligations. It has become the biggest
obstacle to realizing "a world free of chemical weapons."
◆ The
United States is piecing together small blocs through its alliance
system. It has been forcing an "Indo-Pacific Strategy" onto the
Asia-Pacific region, assembling exclusive clubs like the Five Eyes, the
Quad and AUKUS, and forcing regional countries to take sides. Such
practices are essentially meant to create division in the region, stoke
confrontation and undermine peace.
◆ The U.S. arbitrarily passes
judgment on democracy in other countries, and fabricates a false
narrative of "democracy versus authoritarianism" to incite estrangement,
division, rivalry and confrontation. In December 2021, the United
States hosted the first "Summit for Democracy," which drew criticism and
opposition from many countries for making a mockery of the spirit of
democracy and dividing the world. In March 2023, the United States will
host another "Summit for Democracy," which remains unwelcome and will
again find no support.
II. Military Hegemony -- Wanton Use of Force
history of the United States is characterized by violence and
expansion. Since it gained independence in 1776, the United States has
constantly sought expansion by force: it slaughtered Indians, invaded
Canada, waged a war against Mexico, instigated the American-Spanish War,
and annexed Hawaii. After World War II, the wars either provoked or
launched by the United States included the Korean War, the Vietnam War,
the Gulf War, the Kosovo War, the War in Afghanistan, the Iraq War, the
Libyan War and the Syrian War, abusing its military hegemony to pave the
way for expansionist objectives. In recent years, the U.S. average
annual military budget has exceeded 700 billion U.S. dollars, accounting
for 40 percent of the world's total, more than the 15 countries behind
it combined. The United States has about 800 overseas military bases,
with 173,000 troops deployed in 159 countries.
According to the
book America Invades: How We've Invaded or been Militarily Involved with
almost Every Country on Earth, the United States has fought or been
militarily involved with almost all the 190-odd countries recognized by
the United Nations with only three exceptions. The three countries were
"spared" because the United States did not find them on the map.
As former U.S. President Jimmy Carter put it, the United States is
undoubtedly the most warlike nation in the history of the world.
According to a Tufts University report, "Introducing the Military
Intervention Project: A new Dataset on U.S. Military Interventions,
1776-2019," the United States undertook nearly 400 military
interventions globally between those years, 34 percent of which were in
Latin America and the Caribbean, 23 percent in East Asia and the
Pacific, 14 percent in the Middle East and North Africa, and 13 percent
in Europe. Currently, its military intervention in the Middle East and
North Africa and sub-Saharan Africa is on the rise.
Alex Lo, a
South China Morning Post columnist, pointed out that the United States
has rarely distinguished between diplomacy and war since its founding.
It overthrew democratically elected governments in many developing
countries in the 20th century and immediately replaced them with
pro-American puppet regimes. Today, in Ukraine, Iraq, Afghanistan,
Libya, Syria, Pakistan and Yemen, the United States is repeating its old
tactics of waging proxy, low-intensity, and drone wars.
◆ U.S.
military hegemony has caused humanitarian tragedies. Since 2001, the
wars and military operations launched by the United States in the name
of fighting terrorism have claimed over 900,000 lives with some 335,000
of them civilians, injured millions and displaced tens of millions. The
2003 Iraq War resulted in some 200,000 to 250,000 civilian deaths,
including over 16,000 directly killed by the U.S. military, and left
more than a million homeless.
The United States has created 37
million refugees around the world. Since 2012, the number of Syrian
refugees alone has increased tenfold. Between 2016 and 2019, 33,584
civilian deaths were documented in the Syrian fightings, including 3,833
killed by U.S.-led coalition bombings, half of them women and children.
The Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) reported on 9 November 2018 that
the air strikes launched by U.S. forces on Raqqa alone killed 1,600
Syrian civilians.
The two-decades-long war in Afghanistan
devastated the country. A total of 47,000 Afghan civilians and 66,000 to
69,000 Afghan soldiers and police officers unrelated to the September
11 attacks were killed in U.S. military operations, and more than 10
million people were displaced. The war in Afghanistan destroyed the
foundation of economic development there and plunged the Afghan people
into destitution. After the "Kabul debacle" in 2021, the United States
announced that it would freeze some 9.5 billion dollars in assets
belonging to the Afghan central bank, a move considered as "pure
In September 2022, Turkish Interior Minister Suleyman
Soylu commented at a rally that the United States has waged a proxy war
in Syria, turned Afghanistan into an opium field and heroin factory,
thrown Pakistan into turmoil, and left Libya in incessant civil unrest.
The United States does whatever it takes to rob and enslave the people
of any country with underground resources.
The United States has
also adopted appalling methods in war. During the Korean War, the
Vietnam War, the Gulf War, the Kosovo War, the War in Afghanistan and
the Iraq War, the United States used massive quantities of chemical and
biological weapons as well as cluster bombs, fuel-air bombs, graphite
bombs and depleted uranium bombs, causing enormous damage on civilian
facilities, countless civilian casualties and lasting environmental
III. Economic Hegemony -- Looting and Exploitation
World War II, the United States led efforts to set up the Bretton Woods
System, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, which,
together with the Marshall Plan, formed the international monetary
system centered around the U.S. dollar. In addition, the United States
has also established institutional hegemony in the international
economic and financial sector by manipulating the weighted voting
systems, rules and arrangements of international organizations including
"approval by 85 percent majority," and its domestic trade laws and
regulations. By taking advantage of the dollar's status as the major
international reserve currency, the United States is basically
collecting "seigniorage" from around the world; and using its control
over international organizations, it coerces other countries into
serving America's political and economic strategy.
◆ The United
States exploits the world's wealth with the help of "seigniorage." It
costs only about 17 cents to produce a 100 dollar bill, but other
countries had to pony up 100 dollar of actual goods in order to obtain
one. It was pointed out more than half a century ago, that the United
States enjoyed exorbitant privilege and deficit without tears created by
its dollar, and used the worthless paper note to plunder the resources
and factories of other nations.
◆ The hegemony of U.S. dollar is
the main source of instability and uncertainty in the world economy.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the United States abused its global
financial hegemony and injected trillions of dollars into the global
market, leaving other countries, especially emerging economies, to pay
the price. In 2022, the Fed ended its ultra-easy monetary policy and
turned to aggressive interest rate hike, causing turmoil in the
international financial market and substantial depreciation of other
currencies such as the Euro, many of which dropped to a 20-year low. As a
result, a large number of developing countries were challenged by high
inflation, currency depreciation and capital outflows. This was exactly
what Nixon's secretary of the treasury John Connally once remarked, with
self-satisfaction yet sharp precision, that "the dollar is our
currency, but it is your problem."
◆ With its control over
international economic and financial organizations, the United States
imposes additional conditions to their assistance to other countries. In
order to reduce obstacles to U.S. capital inflow and speculation, the
recipient countries are required to advance financial liberalization and
open up financial markets so that their economic policies would fall in
line with America's strategy. According to the Review of International
Political Economy, along with the 1,550 debt relief programs extended by
the IMF to its 131 member countries from 1985 to 2014, as many as
55,465 additional political conditions had been attached.
◆ The
United States willfully suppresses its opponents with economic coercion.
In the 1980s, to eliminate the economic threat posed by Japan, and to
control and use the latter in service of America's strategic goal of
confronting the Soviet Union and dominating the world, the United States
leveraged its hegemonic financial power against Japan, and concluded
the Plaza Accord. As a result, Yen was pushed up, and Japan was pressed
to open up its financial market and reform its financial system. The
Plaza Accord dealt a heavy blow to the growth momentum of the Japanese
economy, leaving Japan to what was later called "three lost decades."
America's economic and financial hegemony has become a geopolitical
weapon. Doubling down on unilateral sanctions and "long-arm
jurisdiction," the United States has enacted such domestic laws as the
International Emergency Economic Powers Act, the Global Magnitsky Human
Rights Accountability Act, and the Countering America's Adversaries
Through Sanctions Act, and introduced a series of executive orders to
sanction specific countries, organizations or individuals. Statistics
show that U.S. sanctions against foreign entities increased by 933
percent from 2000 to 2021. The Trump administration alone has imposed
more than 3,900 sanctions, which means three sanctions per day. So far,
the United States had or has imposed economic sanctions on nearly 40
countries across the world, including Cuba, China, Russia, the DPRK,
Iran and Venezuela, affecting nearly half of the world's population.
"The United States of America" has turned itself into "the United States
of Sanctions." And "long-arm jurisdiction" has been reduced to nothing
but a tool for the United States to use its means of state power to
suppress economic competitors and interfere in normal international
business. This is a serious departure from the principles of liberal
market economy that the United States has long boasted.
IV. Technological Hegemony -- Monopoly and Suppression
United States seeks to deter other countries' scientific, technological
and economic development by wielding monopoly power, suppression
measures and technology restrictions in high-tech fields.
◆ The
United States monopolizes intellectual property in the name of
protection. Taking advantage of the weak position of other countries,
especially developing ones, on intellectual property rights and the
institutional vacancy in relevant fields, the United States reaps
excessive profits through monopoly. In 1994, the United States pushed
forward the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property
Rights (TRIPS), forcing the Americanized process and standards in
intellectual property protection in an attempt to solidify its monopoly
on technology.
In the 1980s, to contain the development of
Japan's semiconductor industry, the United States launched the "301"
investigation, built bargaining power in bilateral negotiations through
multilateral agreements, threatened to label Japan as conducting unfair
trade, and imposed retaliatory tariffs, forcing Japan to sign the
U.S.-Japan Semiconductor Agreement. As a result, Japanese semiconductor
enterprises were almost completely driven out of global competition, and
their market share dropped from 50 percent to 10 percent. Meanwhile,
with the support of the U.S. government, a large number of U.S.
semiconductor enterprises took the opportunity and grabbed larger market
◆ The United States politicizes, weaponizes technological
issues and uses them as ideological tools. Overstretching the concept
of national security, the United States mobilized state power to
suppress and sanction Chinese company Huawei, restricted the entry of
Huawei products into the U.S. market, cut off its supply of chips and
operating systems, and coerced other countries to ban Huawei from
undertaking local 5G network construction. It even talked Canada into
unwarrantedly detaining Huawei's CFO Meng Wanzhou for nearly three
The United States has fabricated a slew of excuses to
clamp down on China's high-tech enterprises with global competitiveness,
and has put more than 1,000 Chinese enterprises on sanction lists. In
addition, the United States has also imposed controls on biotechnology,
artificial intelligence and other high-end technologies, reinforced
export restrictions, tightened investment screening, suppressed Chinese
social media apps such as TikTok and WeChat, and lobbied the Netherlands
and Japan to restrict exports of chips and related equipment or
technology to China.
The United States has also practiced double
standards in its policy on China-related technological professionals. To
sideline and suppress Chinese researchers, since June 2018, visa
validity has been shortened for Chinese students majoring in certain
high-tech-related disciplines, repeated cases have occurred where
Chinese scholars and students going to the United States for exchange
programs and study were unjustifiably denied and harassed, and
large-scale investigation on Chinese scholars working in the United
States was carried out.
◆ The United States solidifies its
technological monopoly in the name of protecting democracy. By building
small blocs on technology such as the "chips alliance" and "clean
network," the United States has put "democracy" and "human rights"
labels on high-technology, and turned technological issues into
political and ideological issues, so as to fabricate excuses for its
technological blockade against other countries. In May 2019, the United
States enlisted 32 countries to the Prague 5G Security Conference in the
Czech Republic and issued the Prague Proposal in an attempt to exclude
China's 5G products. In April 2020, then U.S. Secretary of State Mike
Pompeo announced the "5G clean path," a plan designed to build
technological alliance in the 5G field with partners bonded by their
shared ideology on democracy and the need to protect "cyber security."
The measures, in essence, are the U.S. attempts to maintain its
technological hegemony through technological alliances.
◆ The
United States abuses its technological hegemony by carrying out cyber
attacks and eavesdropping. The United States has long been notorious as
an "empire of hackers," blamed for its rampant acts of cyber theft
around the world. It has all kinds of means to enforce pervasive cyber
attacks and surveillance, including using analog base station signals to
access mobile phones for data theft, manipulating mobile apps,
infiltrating cloud servers, and stealing through undersea cables. The
list goes on.
U.S. surveillance is indiscriminate. All can be
targets of its surveillance, be they rivals or allies, even leaders of
allied countries such as former German Chancellor Angela Merkel and
several French Presidents. Cyber surveillance and attacks launched by
the United States such as "Prism," "Dirtbox," "Irritant Horn" and
"Telescreen Operation" are all proof that the United States is closely
monitoring its allies and partners. Such eavesdropping on allies and
partners has already caused worldwide outrage. Julian Assange, the
founder of Wikileaks, a website that has exposed U.S. surveillance
programs, said that "do not expect a global surveillance superpower to
act with honor or respect. There is only one rule: there are no rules."
V. Cultural Hegemony -- Spreading False Narratives
global expansion of American culture is an important part of its
external strategy. The United States has often used cultural tools to
strengthen and maintain its hegemony in the world.
◆ The United
States embeds American values in its products such as movies. American
values and lifestyle are a tied product to its movies and TV shows,
publications, media content, and programs by the government-funded
non-profit cultural institutions. It thus shapes a cultural and public
opinion space in which American culture reigns and maintains cultural
hegemony. In his article The Americanization of the World, John Yemma,
an American scholar, exposed the real weapons in U.S. cultural
expansion: the Hollywood, the image design factories on Madison Avenue
and the production lines of Mattel Company and Coca-Cola.
are various vehicles the United States uses to keep its cultural
hegemony. American movies are the most used; they now occupy more than
70 percent of the world's market share. The United States skilfully
exploits its cultural diversity to appeal to various ethnicities. When
Hollywood movies descend on the world, they scream the American values
tied to them.
◆ American cultural hegemony not only shows itself
in "direct intervention," but also in "media infiltration" and as "a
trumpet for the world." U.S.-dominated Western media has a particularly
important role in shaping global public opinion in favor of U.S.
meddling in the internal affairs of other countries.
The U.S.
government strictly censors all social media companies and demands their
obedience. Twitter CEO Elon Musk admitted on 27 December 2022 that all
social media platforms work with the U.S. government to censor content,
reported Fox Business Network. Public opinion in the United States is
subject to government intervention to restrict all unfavorable remarks.
Google often makes pages disappear.
U.S. Department of Defense
manipulates social media. In December 2022, The Intercept, an
independent U.S. investigative website, revealed that in July 2017, U.S.
Central Command official Nathaniel Kahler instructed Twitter's public
policy team to augment the presence of 52 Arabic-language accounts on a
list he sent, six of which were to be given priority. One of the six was
dedicated to justifying U.S. drone attacks in Yemen, such as by
claiming that the attacks were precise and killed only terrorists, not
civilians. Following Kahler's directive, Twitter put those
Arabic-language accounts on a "white list" to amplify certain messages.
United States practices double standards on the freedom of the press.
It brutally suppresses and silences media of other countries by various
means. The United States and Europe bar mainstream Russian media such as
Russia Today and the Sputnik from their countries. Platforms such as
Twitter, Facebook and YouTube openly restrict official accounts of
Russia. Netflix, Apple and Google have removed Russian channels and
applications from their services and app stores. Unprecedented draconian
censorship is imposed on Russia-related contents.
◆The United
States abuses its cultural hegemony to instigate "peaceful evolution" in
socialist countries. It sets up news media and cultural outfits
targeting socialist countries. It pours staggering amounts of public
funds into radio and TV networks to support their ideological
infiltration, and these mouthpieces bombard socialist countries in
dozens of languages with inflammatory propaganda day and night.
United States uses misinformation as a spear to attack other countries,
and has built an industrial chain around it: there are groups and
individuals making up stories, and peddling them worldwide to mislead
public opinion with the support of nearly limitless financial resources.
a just cause wins its champion wide support, an unjust one condemns its
pursuer to be an outcast. The hegemonic, domineering, and bullying
practices of using strength to intimidate the weak, taking from others
by force and subterfuge, and playing zero-sum games are exerting grave
harm. The historical trends of peace, development, cooperation, and
mutual benefit are unstoppable. The United States has been overriding
truth with its power and trampling justice to serve self-interest. These
unilateral, egoistic and regressive hegemonic practices have drawn
growing, intense criticism and opposition from the international
Countries need to respect each other and treat each
other as equals. Big countries should behave in a manner befitting their
status and take the lead in pursuing a new model of state-to-state
relations featuring dialogue and partnership, not confrontation or
alliance. China opposes all forms of hegemonism and power politics, and
rejects interference in other countries' internal affairs. The United
States must conduct serious soul-searching. It must critically examine
what it has done, let go of its arrogance and prejudice, and quit its
hegemonic, domineering and bullying practices.
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